Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Okay, so I'm writing a story for my drama class called ZWORG and I want some feedback on this, just to see if it might be acceptable... so in the future around 2840, the earths population has risen very rapidly, so rapidly in fact that the government (in which everything runs on logic at this time in the future and everything illogical is terminated) decides to send over one million people into space into uncharted territory, knowing that they are going to be destroyed. It seemed like the most logical thing to do. Anyways the ship lands and some of the people decide to go look for some food. It is night and in this story the big creatures come out at night to feed (parody of pikmin I know) anyways after a while the ship's food supply runs out and the people need to go hunt for food, so they decide to go out during the day to see if it is any safer. They start returning near dusk and the people inside the ship see them on the horizon. But then the sun goes down and they get eaten. After 15 years goes by the only man left on the planet is a russian named Balehoff Chekkam. He finds a recorder and journal that one person left behind and decides to use it. Anyways he figures out the government's plan (fifteen years alone is a long time to come up with the right answers don't you think?) and then he meets another guy who came to the planet, an american super-model named Jason. Jason sends the message that they are sending more people over to save the universe! Balehoff, knowing that this is a lie, trys to convince Jason of the eminent holocaust about to take place. Anyways during the days that they spend together they meet the Zworgs (little furby-like aliens), Gonzu (a devilish inhabitant of the planet that tries to trick them into coming with him into his layer so he can eat them), and Fargfignuggen ( an old man that was sent there 30 years ago that has a mental problem from being there so long. Haven't thought of an ending yet... so suggestions would be nice. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, I like your story!!! Questions: 1 - How did the old man, Farfignuggen get there if only 15 years ago the govt sent their first ship? Is that a loophole or a secret to let me know that really it was propaganda and they've been sending people all along, each set thinking they were the first? 2 - Your story reminds me of something I read online,check it out here (read the whole thing): you can comment back to me on my blog or whatever (like in person even!! hahaha we're so funny!!!) LOVE YOU!! - YoMAMA

J.Comics said...

Well romero's arrows (wink wink) Fargfignuggen was still an old man when he got there, he hasn't been there his whole life, so just so that you know... he has only been there since Balehoff (Who thought he was the only one.) But good observation